Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let Them Eat Pita

The French Revolution is now beginning it season of reruns in Egypt. It will soon be playing on a network if it is not censored in a country far from you. (near you if you are in the 20% who cannot find Egypt on a map)
While Armegeddon Diva Glenn Beck (there’s a hen in the FOX house) huffs and puffs until all his lemmings think the house will blow down (brought to you by Kleenex), Anderson Cooper was giving one up for the team, getting his black t-shirted self whipped for democracy on CNN. Christiane Amanpour used her elitist, multi-lingual, dignified self (and her husky voice which made the old guard think of Lauren Bacall) to go where no man had gone before -- before the lunatics protecting Hosni Mubarak, up the stairs, and into an interview with him.
The Tea Party Muslim Brotherhood has obviously had enough, and once again, all the well-meaning career employees for the intelligence agencies (why do we call them that when they are just well-connected, former military or Ivy League white guys just waiting to rip open some tortilla chips for the Super Bowl -- picture younger John McCain’s rabidly rooting on Green Bay -- they all want the Packers to restore the order -- with salsa on the fingertips) got caught with their boxers down.
What’s it mean? Young and little Arabic people are tired of the crumbs and are not going to starve and get ripped off without throwing a bunch of rocks a battle. For the west, it means more arguing, fear, and business for cable TV. Unless the dictatorial Islamic world takes a cue from it’s allies in the Capitalistic democratic world and solves the problem by flooding the Arabic street with help (Coke, Snickers, Little Debbie, KFC, Taco Bell, Al-Einstein’s Pita, Pita Hut, all-in-one remote controls, and 24 hour free, unlimited texting plans), nothing will change until we sell the rest of the world our version of the American Dream -- the right to a crippling obesity and brain numbing onslaught of information that allows the masses to use their hands to do all tasks while sitting idly by on Pottery Barn couches as banks, brokers and politicians fleece them offer them a chance to make money and get Netflix.
Oh -- for you it means more expensive gasoline. (Tony Haywood from BP is forever off the hook)

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