Mostly, I've worked all my life. At 14, I worked in the summer, and I haven't stopped since. I'm not killing myself, but I am a typical American. I work at least 40 hours a week. When it comes to work, I have done the right thing my entire life.
I vote Democratic. I pay taxes. I pay income taxes. I am not jealous of those who pay no income taxes and live a modest life, but I am terribly offended by the comments made by Mitt Romney suggesting that I am a freeloader. Any look into the numbers shows that the elderly are least likely to pay any income taxes. Overwhelmingly, they vote Republican.
Mr. Romney would make far more than me if he sat in his pajamas for the next 5 years and smoked a pipe on his balcony. In this case, he would pay no payroll taxes. I would not think of him as a freeloader. I would also not think of him as a "maker."
If Mitt Romney had ever been a regular guy, he would understand this. Though he thinks I am lazy, I am not angry at him. Though he suggests I am a moocher, I am not upset. Though he says I feel entitled, I know he does not know any better. He is truly out of touch.
No one knows what goes on beneath the surface of our thinking. Today's GOP seems to agree with Mr. Romney's point of view. Whether this view is malicious or not, I cannot say. Clearly, however, they do not know what they are talking about. Considering the fact that 9 of the 10 states with the fewest income tax payers are Red States proves that this view does not hurt them.
On the other hand, the press that the GOP calls biased -- the liberal press -- they get it. They are educated. FOX does not count of course; their real journalists are embedded among the Republican proxies who double dip for network and campaign. FOX doesn't count.
Mr. Romney has made another error. He should give thanks that his opponent is so blindly despised by so many. It's Mitt's only chance. In a world with so little actual justice, Mr. Romney may even come back and win.
I can't say I know what's inside the hearts of the GOP, but I now know clearly what they mean when they talk about class warfare.
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