Monday, July 23, 2012


You don't care if my family has to work on Sunday, work the night shift, toil 60 hours per week, or perform two jobs without any health care. You call it Obamacare and leave it at that.

You tell me that the United States is the greatest country in the history of the world and that I should be grateful.

You don'tcare whether I take walks through the park with my children, if there is a playground where they can explore, if there is a clean, rapid bus coming near my house so my kids can get on it an and visit another area where they can see beautiful shop windows, sit in cafes, and meet friends.

Instead, you tell me that the United States is the greatest country in the history of the world, because I have cable TV 24 hours a day, because there is an Applebee's on an industrial highway, and because there is a mall movieplex showing 16 films at the exit of the interstate.

You don't worry if my family drinks 64oz.cokes, eats KFC a few times a week, watches reality TV every night, surfs the internet simultaneously, and goes into massive debt to pay for the clothes, cars, insurance, and two year contracts in order to be connected to friends at all times.

You tell me that the United States is the greatest country in the history of the world, that you are working to protect my freedom to gut the school system, to hate Muslims, to check to see if the birth certificate is a forgery, to drill baby drill, and so my son can legally buy the assault weapons that George Washington wanted me to have in order to serve in the militia protected by the Constitution.

You just don't care about the quality of life in the United States, as long as you get your sick way.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dazed and Confused

It's not whether you win or lose, but whether you won. I believe the term used a while ago was "silly season," but it's always silly season in the USA circa 2012. Soon we will hear the chants, "USA. USA. USA. USA," as our networks try to perfect their journalistic jingoism. I do not expect you to understand this expression -- journalistic jingoism-- but it's not that I am somehow thinking that I am in anyway superior. You might then accuse me of elitism. While we want our Olympians to be elite, our companies to be elite, our actors to be elite, and Lebron James to be elite, we do not want our President to be elite. He would then be a liberal elitist. We want him to be extemely average like President Bush was, a nice guy, a .200 hitter.

We are dazed and confused about so much. We HATE Obamacare so much that 30% of the American population were unaware that the Supreme Court ruled it constitutional. Who cares, right? Had they ruled it unconstitutional, they would have been wonderful. It's only whether you win or lose. Never mind that many of our fellow citizens cannot find the Iraq they supported so deeply during the war, or should I say the surge, on a map. They would recognize Joe the Plumber, however, do think of teenage mother Bristol Palin as a beacon of morality, and would certainly regard my point of view as -- what's the word they use -- vitriol.

Dazed and Confused, Fair and Balanced -- call it what you want. Tell the government to keep it's hands off your Medicare. Believe that the government wants to take your guns away. Be certain that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Muslim until Reverend Wright is brought up. Even then, his birth certificate is surely a forgery. Stop illegal immigration and blame President Obama for the recent rise in gas prices, but drop it when the prices fall.

It's not whether you win or lose -- it's only about derangement and winning.